Today’s post comes from the book The Priceless Privilege and Other Stories, by Lucy Conley. This one is fascinating for demonstrating the disingenuousness of conservative logic. The basic plot of the story, which develops over several chapters is how a young girl, in a bickering, nasty conservative church manages to find her way to another conservative church where […]
Author Archives: By Thy Words
It’s been way too long since I posted here.I’ve been experiencing a significant amount of upheaval in my personal life, and haven’t been able to make By Thy Words the priority I wish it could be. But things are evening out, and I plan that soon I will be able to have a more regular […]
At the end of last post, we were exploring a scintillating dialogue between a young girl named Agnes, and her older (and wiser) sister, Iris. The two girls were discussing responsibility. Agnes wanted to make her own decisions, and Iris was explaining that only a fool would want to make her own decisions, because making […]
Note: I had started writing this post before the Christian Aid Ministries sex scandal broke. This subject is very timely, as you shall see. (For those of you who have been living in a cave for the past week or so, CAM sent a known (allegedly repentant) pedophile down to “minister” in Haiti. They hid the truth […]
This post doesn’t focus on any specific chapter in Dear Princess. Rather, we will follow up on the unhealthy views of sex the book promotes by highlighting a sprinkling of quotes from throughout the book, although most of them are in the chapter entitled “Boyfriends,” for those of you who, for some reason, have yet to […]
If you are just joining us, we are working through a series on Dear Princess. The first post is here. Today’s post is on the chapter that is worth the price of the whole book. This chapter is so absolutely jam-packed with mind-melting insanity that I simply must include every single word for your edification. This is important so […]
If you are just joining us, we are working through a series on Dear Princess. The first post is here. Today, we dive into a tedious chapter on a tedious subject. Chapter 18 of Dear Princess explains how every princess should go to church and listen with rapt attention to interminable monologues, and LIKE IT! June hid a […]
If you are just joining us, we are working through a series on Dear Princess. The first post is here. Many people find this to be a comforting sentiment- the idea that we have a God who is overseeing our universe with its swirling galaxies, complex ecosystems, and intricate natural laws, yet He is interested in the […]
In today’s post, we’re going to take a break from Dear Princess. This post is about defending your choices. If you have left, or are contemplating leaving, the conservative Anabaptist culture, I can personally guarantee you that you will be confronted with at least one, and probably all of these questions or comments. They come loaded with […]
If you are just joining us, we are working through a series on Dear Princess. The first post is here. I’m guessing that that title got your attention.Today we’re going to be examining the conservative Mennonite view of God, as expressed through Chapter 15 of Dear Princess. This chapter begins with a girl becoming a Christian, […]